Thursday, 17 March 2016

Diary Post Term 1 Week 7

Diary Post

Term 1 Week 7

This week has been awesome...

Here's why

P.E, Art, ICT, Writing and Reading will all be in this post!! :)

At school we are learning to define bias and prejudice.
We looked at a chapter of the Whale Rider story by Witi Ihimaera and we looked at bias bits in it.
We are already in part 3 of 4 parts!!! :D
(In the Whale Rider)

We have another class that come and buddy up with us and 
we sometimes go to their class and they also (sometimes) come to our classroom.
We are teaching them some things on the laptops and computers.

For P.E, we are still doing Youthtown...
(Not much to say here :P)

For writing, we have learnt the writing process.

  1. Planning
  2. Drafting
  3. Revising and Sharing
  4. Type it up
  5. Edit (Spelling)
  6. Publish and Reflect

For Art, we are still doing the art I told you about BUT
mine is halfway finished! 
So far I think most peoples art is halfway, One is finished and they are ALL
looking good.

I am really looking forward to the 5 day holiday we have for Easter and...
The best thing about Easter is... (We all know this!)





Maori Roles Explaination


Maori Roles

Have you ever.. Been to a Powhiri?
If You have then have you noticed that women always sit at the back?
I have. The Maori culture has VERY specific roles for men and women.

In the Maori culture the men are in the front when doing a haka.
This is because they want to protect the women. Why? Well if I were the only woman in the whole wide world, if I died then there would eventually be no more babies and that means that there would be no more people. Everyone will be extinct. The men are also the providers. They hunt, fish, garden and forage. Why? Because the women are all busy with the children and the house., they don’t have time!  

But also, females have very important roles.
They need to look after the children. And also since teachers are usually ladies…
I mean seriously…    If it was your first day at school and as you were walking into your classroom…     and your teacher came out and started a haka and what’s more…      did a HUGE ukana at the end!! wouldn’t you be scared?!?!

Overall....   What I am trying to tell you is that women and men both have their own roles and duties and it is not sexist…

It is Tradition.
By Alyssa


I was learning to write an explanation because we are reading the Whale Rider story.
I felt happy because it was REALLY easy.
I found it easy because we had some people around us helping us and reminding us what to do.
Next time, I need to use more technical words.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Whale Rider Chapter 8 Bias Highlighting

I was learning how to recognise bias.

This activity was easy. I had some other people helping me and before that, on the mat, Mrs G, some other people and I were talking about the bias bits.

The only hard bit was when there were some people saying that I was right and some were saying I was wrong and I didn't know what I should do. Leave it? Change it? I didn't know.

My next step is to do this on my own without even the smallest bit of help.

Monday, 14 March 2016

Venn Diagram


I was learning to make a venn diagram using 3 circles.
It was easy and boring because I couldn't think of any more... labels.
My next step is to make more labels and things.

Diary Post Term 1 Week 6

Diary Post 

Term 1 Week 6

In the space between last week and now, there has been 
A LOT going on.

Our art is going really well and is starting to resemble our faces,

We are in the 2nd part of our novel The Whale Rider,

Youthtown is making up more and more fun games to play

And our music is going great! 

We have jump jam every 2nd Friday and Assembly every other Friday. 



And even better...



Peer Mediater Video


                            I was learning to solve problems and conflict.      

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Diary Post Term 1 Week 5

Diary Post

Term 1 Week 5

My first few weeks at school were pretty cool.
I am a year 6 now and I am really happy.

At school we are doing this awesome art project and we are learning about lots of different patterns. We are trying to make a self-portrait with patterns and shapes and we think that in the end it will look really cool. Mrs G took photos of us and we have to draw ourselves on a large piece of paper using patterns.
It is so fun.

We also have these people called Youthtown come to our school and teach us lots of different games, sports and activities. We go to Youthtown on Tuesdays. We have learnt a game called capture the flag and have been playing that a lot. You have to get the other teams ball and then they have to get it back. I had to tag people and some of my friends went in to the other teams territory and I had go save them. I thought that it was quite fun.

We have also been learning how to make music with our bodies.
That means with our arms, legs and our mouths.
We have also been learning how to read musical notes
such as a Minim, a Breve, a Semibreve and a Crochet.
I already knew all these ones so I found it easy.

We are ALSO reading a novel called the Whale Rider.
The Whale Rider (by Witi Ihimaera) is about a girl called Kahu, her Nanny and her Grandfather. They are Maori (The traditional language of New Zealand) and the Grandfather is descended from Kahutia-Te-Rangi, The Whale Rider.
I think it is quite a good book.

If these few weeks were that good... then I can't wait to see what will happen next week!!!

Kennings Poem

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Birthday Graph... December Rules!!!

Analysing Trends:
  • The Least People Are Born In January, April, May And June
  • The Greatest Number Of People Are Born In December 
  • Most Of The People Were Born In Summer

  • WALT: Make A Graph From A Form
  • I Thought It Was Easy Because I Didn't Have To Change Anything